Guo, Dongfang; Thee, Hendy; et al. (2011): Borate-Catalyzed Carbon Dioxide Hydration via the Carbonic Anhydrase Mechanism
Guo, Dongfang; Thee, Hendy; da Silva, Gabriel; Chen, Jian; Fei, Weiyang; Kentish, Sandra; Stevens, Geoffrey W. (2011): Borate-Catalyzed Carbon Dioxide Hydration via the Carbonic Anhydrase Mechanism. In: Environ. Sci. Technol 45 (11), S. 4802–4807. DOI: 10.1021/es200590m
„The hydration of CO(2) plays a critical role in carbon capture and geoengineering technologies currently under development to mitigate anthropogenic global warming and in environmental processes such as ocean acidification. […]“