Pongratz, J.; Lobell, D. B.; Cao, L.; Caldeira, K. (2012): Crop yields in a geoengineered climate
Pongratz, J.; Lobell, D. B.; Cao, L.; Caldeira, K. (2012): Crop yields in a geoengineered climate. In: Nature Climate change. doi: 10.1038/NCLIMATE1373
CE technologies of SRM might increase crop yields.
„Crop models predict that recent and future climate change may have adverse effects on crop yields. Intentional deflection of sunlight away from the Earth could diminish the amount of climate change in a high-CO2 world. […] We find that in our models solar-radiation geoengineering in a high-CO2 climate generally causes crop yields to increase, largely because temperature stresses are diminished while the benefits of CO2 fertilization are retained.“
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