Australian Financial Review: Engineering the climate: Is science fiction becoming reality?
Standard article on CE.
Standard article on CE.
Kuebbeler, Miriam; Lohmann, Ulrike; Feichter, Johann (2012): Effects of stratospheric sulfate aerosol geo-engineering on cirrus clouds. In: Geophys. Res. Lett. 39 (23). DOI 10.1029/2012GL053797
„We use a global climate model with a physically based parametrization for cirrus clouds in order to investigate possible microphysical and dynamical effects.“
Patel, Hasmukh A.; Karadas, Ferdi; Byun, Jeehye; Park, Joonho; Deniz, Erhan; Canlier, Ali et al. (2012): Highly Stable Nanoporous Sulfur-Bridged Covalent Organic Polymers for Carbon Dioxide Removal. In: Adv. Funct. Mater. DOI 10.1002/adfm.201202442
„Carbon dioxide capture and separation requires robust solids that can stand harsh environments where a hot mixture of gases is often found. Herein, the first and comprehensive syntheses of porous sulfur-bridged covalent organic polymers (COPs) and their application for carbon dioxide capture in warm conditions and a wide range of pressures (0–200 bar) are reported.“
„A University of Sydney engineer has ruled ocean iron fertilisation an uneconomical solution to carbon capture and storage despite its early promise.“
Blog article comparing CE with medicine. „Geoengineering is similar to critical care. It is absolutely inferior to timely mitigation.“
„In an interview with Yale Environment 360, research leader Jasper Kirkby discusses the mysteries of clouds and why it’s important to know if they are contributing to global warming“
„Options for engineering the climate system, some long-dismissed by many as a vestige of Buck Rogers, are getting additional attention as near-term prospects for an effective political remedy remain bleak. But with research into the subject come increasing numbers of ethical questions yet to be resolved.“
Link to part 1
Link to part 2
Short article about SRM and an audio interveiw with Granger Morgan.
„In a talk sponsored by the Harvard University Center for the Environment, Edward Parson, a law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, discussed the myriad ways nations could combat global warming, such as releasing cooling aerosols. „
After new record of Artic sea ice melting SRM seems to be an option.