Häggström hävdar Blog: David Keith Wrote a Helpful Book on Geo-Engineering
Swedish review of David Keith Book „A Case for Climate Engineering“.
Swedish review of David Keith Book „A Case for Climate Engineering“.
„An American businessman involved in a controversial ocean fertilization experiment off the British Columbia coast misled his Canadian partners about his credentials and is essentially holding the scientific experiment hostage, the man’s estranged partners allege in court documents.“
„How the public will perceive geoengineering is fascinating for all kinds of reasons, but the one that I find the most intriguing is geoengineering’s inversion of the usual cultural meanings of climate change risk.“
Response to Keller, David P.; et al. (2014). „Comparison of five proposed methods shows they are ineffective, alter weather systems or could not be safely stopped“
Keller, David P.; Feng, Ellias Y.; Oschlies, Andreas (2014): Potential climate engineering effectiveness and side effects during a high carbon dioxide-emission scenario. In Nat Comms 5. DOI 10.1038/ncomms4304.
„Our simulations suggest that the potential for these types of climate engineering to make up for failed mitigation may be very limited.“
Ghosh, Arunabha (2014): Environmental Institutions, International Research Programmes, and Lessons for Geoengineering Research (Geoengineering Our Climate? Working Paper and Opinion Article Series). Available online at http://wp.me/p2zsRk-av.
„What lessons can be drawn from other international research endeavours to design coordinated scientific research in solar geoengineering?“
Gardiner, Stephen (2014): Why ‘global public good’ is a treacherous term, especially for geoengineering. In Climatic Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-014-1079-2.
Expanded and refined argumentation based on Gardiner, Stephen M. (2013). „This discussion reinforces my suggestion that it is time to excise the term ‘global public good’ from the framing of SSI [stratospheric sulfur injection], and perhaps more generally.“
Morrow, David R. (2014): Why geoengineering is a public good, even if it is bad. In Climatic Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-013-0967-1.
„A public good is something that is nonrival and nonexcludable. Contrary to Gardiner’s claims, geoengineering meets both of these criteria.“
Wong, Pak-Hang (2014): The Public and Geoengineering Decision-Making in advance. In Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology. DOI 10.5840/techne201421110.
„Drawing from recent work on Confucian political philosophy, I illustrate the potential normative foundation for public engagement on geoengineering decision-making.“
„Scientists think it’s now possible to cool the planet by geoengineering, but our complex ecosystem demands that plans proceed with caution, writes Jamie Carter“