Galarraga, Maialen (2015): The Making of a World. Climate Engineering as Creation

Galarraga, Maialen (2015): The Making of a World. Climate Engineering as Creation. In Charlotte Du Cann, Paul Kingsnorth, Tom Simth, Steve Wheeler (Eds.): Technê. Lancashire: Bracketpress (Dark Mountain, 8), pp.[nbsp]1–9.

„This creativity is always new and always unique, and there is no repetition to it:[nbsp]each society establishes a unique imaginary world and there is no articulation of a society that is given once and for all. However, modern societies have a tendency to think of technê as if it were nature – something that always occures in the same way. This misreading is what leaves modern societies unable to account for creative technê, and insensitive to different articulations of worlds.“
