Bellona Europa (2015): IPCC 5th Climate Assessment Report: An unequivocal call for action on (Bio-)CCS

Bellona Europa (2015): IPCC 5th Climate Assessment Report: An unequivocal call for action on (Bio-)CCS (Bellona Brief).

„Drastically increase decarbonisation costs; preclude reaching the 2°C / 450 ppm target this century; likely result in missing our only chance to deal with runaway climate change; alienate potential allies from industrial sectors needed for deep decarbonisation; and increase the political barriers to transformational change. This brief, summarising the case for action on CCS and Bio-CCS as laid out in the IPCC 5AR, is being launched today, 7 December 2015, at the UN Climate Conference COP 21, where Bellona’s Founder and President Frederic Hauge is speaking among the IPCC’s Vice Chair, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, and Associate Professor at Radbout University, Heleen de Coninck.“
