Ming, Tingzhen; et al. (2016): Fighting global warming by greenhouse gas removal. Destroying atmospheric nitrous oxide thanks to synergies between two breakthrough technologies

Ming, Tingzhen; de_Richter, Renaud; Shen, Sheng; Caillol, Sylvain (2016): Fighting global warming by greenhouse gas removal. Destroying atmospheric nitrous oxide thanks to synergies between two breakthrough technologies. In Environ Sci Pollut Res. DOI 10.1007/s11356-016-6103-9.

„This article proposes a combination of disrupting techniques to transform nitrous oxide (N2O), the third most important greenhouse gas (GHG) in terms of current radiative forcing, which is harmful for the ozone layer and possesses quite high global warming potential. Although several scientific publications cite “greenhouse gas removal,” to our knowledge, it is the first time innovative solutions are proposed to effectively remove N2O or other GHGs from the atmosphere other than CO2.“
