Tang, M. J.; et al. (2016): Heterogeneous reaction of ClONO2 with TiO2 and SiO2 aerosol particles. Implications for stratospheric particle injection for climate engineering

Tang, M. J.; Keeble, J.; Telford, P. J.; Pope, F. D.; Braesicke, P.; Griffiths, P. T. et al. (2016): Heterogeneous reaction of ClONO2 with TiO2 and SiO2 aerosol particles. Implications for stratospheric particle injection for climate engineering. In Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., pp. 1–42. DOI 10.5194/acp-2016-756.

Introduction of particles into the stratosphere would scatter solar radiation back to space, thereby reducing the temperature at the Earth’s surface and hence the impacts of global warming. Minerals such as TiO2 or SiO2 are among the potentially suitable aerosol materials for stratospheric particle injection due to their greater light scattering ability compared to stratospheric sulfuric acid particles. However, the heterogeneous reactivity of mineral particles towards trace gases important for stratospheric chemistry largely remains unknown, precluding reliable assessment of their impacts on stratospheric ozone which is of key environmental significance.
