Ito, Akihiko (2017): Solar radiation management and ecosystem functional responses
Ito, Akihiko (2017): Solar radiation management and ecosystem functional responses. In Climatic Change 10, p.[nbsp]84018. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-017-1930-3.
„In this study, I evaluate the impacts of SRM deployment on terrestrial ecosystem functions using a process-based ecosystem model (the Vegetation Integrative Simulator for Trace gases, VISIT) driven by the climate projections by multiple climate models. In the SRM-oriented climate projections, massive injection of sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere lead[nbsp]to increased scattering of solar radiation and delayed anthropogenic climate warming. The VISIT simulations show that canopy light absorption and gross primary production are enhanced in subtropics in spite of the slight decrease of total incident solar radiation.“