Adelman, Sam (2017): Geoengineering. Rights, risks and ethics
Adelman, Sam (2017): Geoengineering. Rights, risks and ethics. In JHRE 8 (1), pp.[nbsp]119–138. DOI: 10.4337/jhre.2017.01.06.
„This article discusses arguments that manipulating the Earth’s climate may provoke unforeseen, unintended and uncontrollable consequences that threaten human rights. The risks arise from both main types of geoengineering: solar radiation management (SRM) techniques and carbon dioxide removal (CDR). SRM creates particular risks because it is difficult to test on a wide scale and may not be capable of being recalled after deployment. Adequate, enforceable governance structures do not currently exist to assess and regulate the risks of climate engineering, not least whether such technologies can be terminated in the absence of significant emissions reductions.“