Wood, Robert; et al. (2017): Could geoengineering research help answer one of the biggest questions in climate science?

Wood, Robert; Ackerman, Thomas; Rasch, Philip; Wanser, Kelly (2017): Could geoengineering research help answer one of the biggest questions in climate science? In: Earth’s Future. DOI: 10.1002/2017EF000601.

„Observational studies show influences of aerosol on clouds, but correlations between aerosol and clouds are insufficient to constrain aerosol forcing because of the difficulty in separating aerosol and meteorological impacts. In this commentary, we argue that this current impasse may be overcome with the development of approaches to conduct control experiments whereby aerosol particle perturbations can be introduced into patches of marine low clouds in a systematic manner. Such cloud perturbation experiments constitute a fresh approach to climate science and would provide unprecedented data to untangle the effects of aerosol particles on cloud microphysics and the resulting reflection of solar radiation by clouds.“