Nicholson, Simon; et al. (2017): Solar radiation management. A proposal for immediate polycentric governance

Nicholson, Simon; Jinnah, Sikina; Gillespie, Alexander (2017): Solar radiation management. A proposal for immediate polycentric governance. In Climate Policy 21 (1), pp.[nbsp]1–13. DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2017.1400944.

„Specifically, we build from existing literature to argue that SRM governance must simultaneously: guard against the risks of uncontrolled SRM development; enable potentially valuable research; build legitimacy for research and any future policy through broad public engagement and ensure that SRM is only considered as one part of a broader mitigation agenda. We propose three interventions to work towards those objectives in the near term by: developing a transparency mechanism for research; creating a global forum for public engagement and including consideration of SRM in the global stocktake under the Paris Agreement.“