Hemes, K.; et al. (2019): Assessing the carbon and climate benefit of restoring degraded agricultural peat soils to managed wetlands
Hemes, K.; Chamberlain, S.; Eichelmann, E.; Anthony, T.; Valach, A.; Kasak, K. et al. (2019): Assessing the carbon and climate benefit of restoring degraded agricultural peat soils to managed wetlands. In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 268, S. 202–214. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.01.017.
„Restoring degraded peat soils presents an attractive, but largely untested, climate change mitigation approach. Drained peat soils used for agriculture can be large greenhouse gas sources. […] Here, we synthesize 36 site-years of continuous carbon dioxide and methane flux data from a mesonetwork of eddy covariance towers in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in California, USA to compute carbon and greenhouse gas budgets for drained agricultural land uses and compare these to restored deltaic wetlands. We found that restored wetlands effectively sequestered carbon and halted soil carbon loss associated with drained agricultural land uses.“