Sagues, William J.; et al. (2019): Enhanced carbon dioxide removal from coupled direct air capture–bioenergy systems

Sagues, William J.; Park, Sunkyu; Jameel, Hasan; Sanchez, Daniel L. (2019): Enhanced carbon dioxide removal from coupled direct air capture–bioenergy systems. In Sustainable Energy Fuels 5, p.[nbsp]230. DOI: 10.1039/C9SE00384C.

„Engineered carbon dioxide (CO2) removal technologies—such as direct air capture (DAC) and bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration (BECCS)—require significant advancements to reduce costs and increase scale without environmental or social harm. Up until this point, advancements in BECCS and DAC technologies have progressed independently of each other, despite the ability of BECCS to provide carbon-negative heat and power to DAC processes. Here, we demonstrate synergistic integration of BECCS and DAC systems decreases costs, increases carbon removal, and extends the impact of scarce biomass resources.“