Power, Ian M.; et al. (2020): Prospects for CO2 Mineralization and Enhanced Weathering of Ultramafic Mine Tailings from the Baptiste Nickel Deposit in British Columbia, Canada
Power, Ian M., Gregory M. Dipple, Peter M.D. Bradshaw, and Anna L. Harrison (2020): Prospects for CO2 Mineralization and Enhanced Weathering of Ultramafic Mine Tailings from the Baptiste Nickel Deposit in British Columbia, Canada.[nbsp]International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control[nbsp]94 (March): 102895. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijggc.2019.102895.
“Experiments were conducted using metallurgical test samples and pulps from cores with the aim of determining the potential for this deposit to sequester CO2[nbsp]via direct air capture of atmospheric CO2[nbsp]and carbonation using CO2-rich gas. The experimental direct capture rate was 3.5 kg CO2/m2/yr and would sequester 17 kt CO2/yr based on year-round reaction and when extrapolated to the scale of the proposed tailings facility (5 km2).“