Jahr: 2019

Hussin, Farihahusnah, and Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua (2019): Recent Trends in the Development of Adsorption Technologies for Carbon Dioxide Capture: A Brief Literature and Patent Reviews (2014-2018)

Hussin, Farihahusnah, and Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua (2019): Recent Trends in the Development of Adsorption Technologies for Carbon Dioxide Capture: A Brief Literature and Patent Reviews (2014-2018).[nbsp]Journal of Cleaner Production, December, 119707. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119707.

„This study highlights the recently published articles and patents on CO2[nbsp]capture technologies through adsorption process from the year 2014 to 2018. Various types of adsorbent that can be potentially used to capture CO2[nbsp]are discussed.“


Fortum: Positive test results from the carbon capture and storage pilot in Oslo

„2019 was an active year for the CCS project at[nbsp]Fortum Oslo Varme’s waste-to-energy plant in Oslo, Norway. The project has established a carbon capture pilot unit and has been conducting a number of tests and delivering reports that are essential to the future decision of support for building a full-scale carbon capture facility at the plant on the outskirts of the capital.“


Webinar: Soil Enrichment Project Protocol

15. January 2020, online

„The Reserve is developing a Soil Enrichment Project Protocol (SEPP) that will provide guidance on how to quantify, monitor, report, and verify agricultural practices that enhance carbon storage in soils. The primary GHG benefit targeted will be the accrual of additional carbon in agricultural soils, with hopes to incentivize GHG emission reductions from other sources, such as N2O from fertilizer use.“