Hu, Bin; et al. (2020): Can bioenergy carbon capture and storage aggravate global water crisis?
Hu, Bin; Zhang, Yilun; Li, Yi; Teng, Yanguo; Yue, Weifeng (2020): Can bioenergy carbon capture and storage aggravate global water crisis? In Science of the Total Environment, p. 136856. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136856.
„A bottom-up analysis approach was applied in this paper to calculating water consumption for BECCS and estimating water quality deterioration caused by increasing fertilizer and pesticide application. The results indicated that water usage of BECCS was equal to adding 12.86%–16.64% (switchgrass) and 17.59%–26.06% (miscanthus) additional water stress on global available water resources at 2100. Additional N fertilizer application in 2100 would be equal to over 84%, 55% and 42% for both[nbsp]switchgrass[nbsp]and[nbsp]miscanthus[nbsp]under three CCS capture efficiency scenarios, respectively, comparing to such global scale in 2012.“