Camuzeaux, J.; et al. (2020): India in the coming climate G2?

Camuzeaux, Jonathan, Thomas Sterner, and Gernot Wagner (2020):[nbsp]India in the coming ‚climate G2‘?[nbsp]National Institute Economic Review[nbsp]251 (February): R3–12.

‌“We create a hypothetical global carbon market based on modelling emissions reduction commitments across countries and regions relative to their marginal abatement costs. We then analyse net financial flows across a wide range of burden-sharing agreements, from pure ‘grandfathering’ based on current emissions to equal-per-capita allocation. Among the four largest players – the United States, the EU-27, China, and India – it is China that would currently be the largest net seller of emissions allowances in all but the grandfathered scenario. The United States would be the largest net buyer. However, India is poised to take China’s position by around 2030. That leaves the United States and India as the two major countries with most to gain and lose, depending on the type of climate deal reached.“