Bódai, Tamás; et al. (2020): Can we use linear response theory to assess geoengineering strategies?

Bódai, Tamás; Lucarini, Valerio; Lunkeit, Frank (2020): Can we use linear response theory to assess geoengineering strategies? In Chaos 30 (2), p. 23124. DOI: 10.1063/1.5122255.

„First, our objective (O1) is to assess only the[nbsp]best[nbsp]possible geoengineering scenario by looking for a suitable modulation of solar forcing that can cancel out or otherwise modulate a climate change signal that would result from a rise in carbon dioxide concentration [CO22] alone. […] Second, to be able to utilize LRT to quantify side-effects, the response with respect to uncontrolled observables, such as regional averages[nbsp]Ts⟨Ts⟩, must be approximately[nbsp]linear.“