Yamamoto, Akitomo; et al. (2019): Glacial CO2 decrease and deep-water deoxygenation by iron fertilization from glaciogenic dust
Yamamoto, Akitomo; Abe-Ouchi, Ayako; Ohgaito, Rumi; Ito, Akinori; Oka, Akira (2019): Glacial CO2 decrease and deep-water deoxygenation by iron fertilization from glaciogenic dust. In Clim. Past Discuss. (under review). DOI: 10.5194/cp-2019-31.
„In this study, we report the significance of iron fertilization from glaciogenic dust for glacial CO2 decrease and deep-water deoxygenation using our numerical simulation, which successfully reproduces the magnitude and large-scale pattern of the observed oxygen changes from the present to Last Glacial Maximum.“