Kirchner, Julia S., et al. 2020: „Reducing CO2 Emissions of a Coal-Fired Power Plant via Accelerated Weathering of Limestone: Carbon Capture Efficiency and Environmental Safety.“

Kirchner, Julia S., Andrew Berry, Frank Ohnemüller, Bernhard Schnetger, Egon Erich, Hans-Jürgen Brumsack, and Karsten A. Lettmann. 2020. “Reducing CO2 Emissions of a Coal-Fired Power Plant via Accelerated Weathering of Limestone: Carbon Capture Efficiency and Environmental Safety.” Environmental Science [&] Technology. 2020.

„Accelerated weathering of limestone (AWL) has been proposed as a tool to capture CO2[nbsp]from effluent gas streams and store it primarily as bicarbonate in the marine environment. We evaluated the performance of the biggest AWL-reactor to date that was installed at a coal-fired power plant in Germany.“