Malik, Abdul; et al. (2020): Tropical Pacific climate variability under solar geoengineering: impacts on ENSO extremes
Malik, Abdul; Nowack, Peer J.; Haigh, Joanna D.; Cao, Long; Atique, Luqman; Plancherel, Yves (2020): Tropical Pacific climate variability under solar geoengineering: impacts on ENSO extremes. In Atmos. Chem. Phys 20 (23), pp. 15461–15485. DOI: 10.5194/acp-20-15461-2020.
„We here present results from a 1000-year-long solar-geoengineering simulation, G1, carried out with the coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation model HadCM3L. In agreement with previous studies, reducing the solar irradiance (4 %) to offset global mean surface warming in the model more than compensates the warming in the tropical Pacific that develops in the 4 × CO2[nbsp]scenario.“