Monat: Februar 2021

Scott, Karen N. (2021): Not an Intractable Challenge

Scott, Karen N. (2021): Not an Intractable Challenge. In Myron H. Nordquist, John Norton Moore (Eds.): Marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction. Leiden, The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV (Center for oceans law and policy, volume 24), pp. 189–210.

„This chapter explores one such activity, geoengineering scientific research, and examines the recent and emerging regime at both the international and the regional levels designed to regulate this controversial use of the ocean commons.“


C-Capture: C-Capture completes £8M funding round from IP Group, Drax, bp Ventures and the Future Fund

„C-Capture is delighted to announce that it has completed an £8M funding round supported by existing shareholders IP Group, Drax, and bp Ventures, with additional funding from the British Business Bank’s Future Fund. The investment reflects the confidence of the C-Capture board in C-Capture’s groundbreaking technology, and the government’s support for companies who have the potential to help solve the climate crisis.“


WWF: Forest Carbon Credits: Separating the “good” from the merely “good enough”

„Actions intended to meet the urgency of deforestation and its contribution to the climate crisis cannot succeed unless they begin to address “high-risk areas” more systematically. Yet doing so will require a reformulation of acceptable risk, uncertainties, and permanence, particularly when considering the short-term commitment preferences of donors. So, how to move forward?“