Keller, David P.; et al. (2021): Editorial: The Role of Ocean-Based Negative Emission Technologies for Climate Mitigation
Keller, David P.; Brent, Kerryn; Bach, Lennart T.; Rickles, Wilfried (2021): Editorial: The Role of Ocean-Based Negative Emission Technologies for Climate Mitigation. In Front. Clim. 3. DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2021.743816.
„Until now, the majority of NETs research and development has focused on land-based options such as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). However, ocean-based NETs can potentially also play a significant CDR role. Like their terrestrial counterparts, ocean-based NETs seek to accelerate the uptake of atmospheric CO2 by enhancing natural sinks or by engineering the removal and storage of CO2. Currently there are too many knowledge gaps to fully assess the potential, effectiveness, efficiency, risks and co-benefits, and economic costs of most approaches.“