Leitner, Walter; Schmitz, Marc (2021): Concluding remarks: Carbon dioxide utilization: where are we now?… and where are we going?

Leitner, Walter; Schmitz, Marc (2021): Concluding remarks: Carbon dioxide utilization: where are we now?… and where are we going? In Faraday Discuss 230 (0), pp. 413–426. DOI: 10.1039/D1FD00038A.

„This publication is reminiscent of the 12 principles of CO2 chemistry as formulated in the first Faraday Discussion on CO2 utilization in 2015. Their visionary significance at the time is brought into context with the current developments in society and industry. „What has changed since then?“ and „is our enthusiasm still enough?“ are only a few questions that are to be answered in the following from today’s perspective. The synergy of the use of carbon dioxide (CCU) with the concepts of green chemistry as well as the connection to the energy sector is demonstrated using selected examples from industry and research.“