Arab News: Use science to find solutions for cutting carbon emissions
„This week climate events have made international events every day. On Sunday, Hurricane Ida slammed New Orleans depriving over 1 million homes of power. On Tuesday, New Delhi received the heaviest rainfall in over 12 years, recording 120 mm in 24 hours, almost 90 pc of total rain that normally falls in all of September. Barely a day later, New York and New Jersey saw the highest ever rain in a single day with nearly 210 mm tumbling in under 24 hours. Indeed, for well over a year, rarely a day has gone by, when an extreme weather event – a forest fire, severe drought, a hurricane or unprecedented rain has not made it to global news. In such a situation, it is not only normal or needed, but indeed critical that governments, companies and societies put their best minds and scientists to work to find solutions that help address climate change and global warming in a meaningful manner.“