Glenk, Klaus; et al. (2021): The opportunity cost of delaying climate action: Peatland restoration and resilience to climate change

Glenk, Klaus; Faccioli, Michela; Martin-Ortega, Julia; Schulze, Christoph; Potts, Jacqueline (2021): The opportunity cost of delaying climate action: Peatland restoration and resilience to climate change. In Global Environmental Change 70, p. 102323. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2021.102323.

„Ecosystem restoration and, in particular, peatland restoration, are considered a promising greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation strategy to move towards net zero emissions. To remain within acceptable limits for projected warming scenarios, inaction with respect to GHG mitigation in the short term implies a need for even larger removals of GHGs in the longer term, which can be conceptualized as a ‘mitigation debt’. This paper explores the economic implications of delaying GHG mitigation through ecosystem restoration using data of a large survey (N = 1377) that included a choice experiment to elicit the public’s willingness to pay (WTP) for peatland restoration in Scotland, UK.“