Seyidov, Ibrahim (2021): CO2 capture by adsorption (master’s thesis)

Seyidov, Ibrahim (2021): CO2 capture by adsorption. Master’s Thesis. University of Stavanger, Stavanger/Norway. Faculty of Science and Technology. Available online at

„In this thesis project, CO2 removal by the DAC method using a suitable adsorbent, namely, zeolite, is studied. Adsorption and desorption processes on the Z8 test plant are implemented by applying the temperature swing adsorption (TSA) principle. The test facility Z8 at Greencap Solutions includes a packed adsorbent bed and advanced instrumentation and control systems. It contains three adsorption columns, two of which are for water removal before the carbon capture. For moisture removal from flowing air, silica gel desiccant is deployed. The CO2 capture process is done by the flowing air over a packed bed of zeolite beads. CO2 initially gets captured at the bed inlet, and after the progression of the capture process, the zeolite beads near the packed bed inlet becomes saturated with CO2, and CO2 is captured further into the bed. Near the end of the capture process, CO2 is detected at the outlet of the packed bed, initially at very low concentrations. The concentration augments with time, and this is called breakthrough, and the CO2 concentration trends a breakthrough curve.“