Monat: Dezember 2021

Master of Science thesis at the Department of Space, Earth and Environmental Science, Department of Energy Technology Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

Topic „Negative CO2 Emissions with chemical-looping combustion using calcium manganate“ – no Deadline

Chalmers are looking for 1 or 2 students. The project can be applicable for students in many programs, including, but not limited to, energy systems, chemical engineering and material chemistry. The specific project focuses on developing cheap calcium manganite oxygen carrier for Chemical Looping, and is largely experimental in nature. The project can last up to six months and can be open at any time for students from outside of Sweden.


President & Chief Executive Officer, International CCS Knowledge Centre, Regina, SK, Canada

No Deadline

The aim of the International CCS Knowledge Centre is to advance the understanding and use of CCS as a means of managing greenhouse gas emissions. Their mission is to accelerate the deployment of CCS worldwide by allowing the learnings acquired at the Boundary Dam 3 CCS Facility (located in Saskatchewan Canada) to be shared broadly, and to allow further CCS research to be conducted.


Webinar: The Road to CCS Project Permitting – Operators’ Experiences With Risk Management During the Permitting Process

Tue, Jan 18, 2022 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM CET

This IEAGHG webinar will be an informal roundtable discussion to learn about the experiences that project operators have had relating to risk management during the permitting process, provide an understanding of the challenges faced and explore potential ways to overcome such issues for future permits. Speakers from CCS projects and industry talk about their views and experiences.


Webinar: Climate Conversations – Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal

Jan 20, 2022 3:00PM – 4:00PM ET

Ocean CDR (ocean carbon dioxide removal) is a set of strategies to sequester carbon dioxide in ocean waters. Speakers will discuss social acceptance, environmental governance, and other issues around ocean CDR strategies. The webinar will include discussion of the new National Academies report, A Research Strategy for Ocean-based Carbon Dioxide Removal and Sequestration. The conversation will be webcast on the Climate Conversations: Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal webpage. The conversation will include questions from the audience and will be recorded and available to view on the page after the event.


Is CCS Really So Expensive?

by Simon Roussanaly (SINTEF), Andrea Ramirezv (TU Delft), Elda Rodriguez (TU Delft) at

Results from a collaboration between SINTEF and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), in connection with the Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS), show that CCS implementation can have a minimal cost impact for end users while avoiding a significant amount of CO2 emissions.


Release of the CO2GeoNet report ‘State-of-play on CO2 geological storage in 32 European countries – an update’

„Looking for the latest news on the status of geological storage of CO2 in Europe? Want to know in which regions geological CO2 storage is permissible? Seeking information on hot spots for research and practical demonstration? Concerned about barriers hindering deployment in a particular country? The latest CO2GeoNet State of Play on CO2 storage in Europe puts this information right at your fingertips in one easy-to-use report.“


CCS Technology Conference 2022

13 January 2022, 08:00 – 16:00

In January, leading professionals and decision-makers will meet at the CCS Technology Conference 2022 in Stavanger, Norway. Bellona invites to join the discussion on how we can launch more full scale CCS projects.


Call for abstracts: 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT) conference

Deadline for abstracts: 14 January 2022

France submitted and were successfully selected to host the 16th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-16) (23 – 27 Oct 2022) in Lyon. As this conference will be the first time ever held in France, it will truly showcase France’s (and more broadly Europe’s) expertise in CCUS and support the future CCUS developments across Europe, especially regarding applications in the industry sector. You are invited to submit abstracts for consideration, for both oral and poster presentations, related to the technical themes of the conference.


Save the date: Workshop CCUS Technologies in Industrial Systems

Tuesday 1 March 2022 13:00 – 17:00 CET

An international online workshop organized jointly by the IETS (Industrial Energy-Related Technologies and Systems) and IEAGHG (IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme), which are both Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCPs) under the International Energy Agency (IEA): The aims of this workshop are: 1. to present experiences and important examples of ongoing projects in the planning, implementation and/or operational phases of CCUS/BECCS/DACCS technologies in industry, with emphasis on design, integration and role of these technologies from a systems perspective and 2. to discuss the need for further work, including opportunities for international collaboration.

The workshop is free to attend. A full agenda and registration link will be distributed in early 2022.