Zhang et al. (2022): Eco-engineering approaches for ocean negative carbon emission

Chuanlun Zhang, Tuo Shi, Jihua Liu, Zhili He, Helmuth Thomas, Hailiang Dong, Buki Rinkevich, Yuze Wang, Jung-Ho Hyun, Markus Weinbauer, Celeste López-Abbate, Qichao Tu, Shucheng Xie, Youhei Yamashita, Pavel Tishchenko, Quanrui Chen, Rui Zhang, Nianzhi Jiao IN: Science Bulletin 67 (24), pp. 2564-2573, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2022.11.016

The authors advocate eco-engineering approaches for ocean negative carbon emission (ONCE), aiming to enhance carbon sinks in the marine environment. An international program is being established to promote coordinated efforts in developing ONCE-relevant strategies and methodologies, taking into consideration ecological/biogeochemical processes and mechanisms related to different forms of carbon (inorganic/organic, biotic/abiotic, particulate/dissolved) for sequestration.