Murugesu et al. (2023): Carbon storage capacity of shale formations: Mineral control on CO2 adsorption

Manju Pharkavi Murugesu, Nerine Joewondo, Manika Prasad IN: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 124,

When CO2 is injected into storage reservoirs, buoyancy drives flow upward towards overlying caprock layers that retard flow. Caprocks are commonly shale formations with extremely low pore connectivity, but they contain a large amount of nanopores (pore width 200 nm). The goal of this study is to determine the extent to which mineral attributes affect CO accessible pore spaces, using low-pressure adsorption. The authors used pure clay samples and 55 shale samples that are from Bakken, Wolfcamp, Utica, Niobrara, and Green River formations in the US, and from Agardhfjellet and Rurikfjellet formations in Svalbard.