Waring et al. (2023): Natural Climate Solutions must embrace multiple perspectives to ensure synergy with sustainable development
Bonnie G. Waring, Angelo Gurgel, Alexandre C. Köberle, Sergey Paltsev, Joeri Rogelj IN: Front. Clim. 5:1216175. doi: 10.3389/fclim.2023.1216175
“Natural Climate Solutions” (NCS) achieve atmospheric CO2 reduction through the conservation, restoration, or altered management of natural ecosystems, with enormous potential to deliver “win-win-win” outcomes for climate, nature and society. Yet the supply of high-quality NCS projects does not meet market demand, and projects already underway often fail to deliver their promised benefits, due to a complex set of interacting ecological, social, and financial constraints. How can these cross-sectoral challenges be surmounted? The authors draw from expert elicitation surveys and workshops with professionals across the ecological, sociological, and economic sciences, evaluating differing perspectives on NCS, and suggesting how these might be integrated to address urgent environmental challenges.