Kane et al. (2023): Bioenergy crop Miscanthus x giganteus acts as an ecosystem engineer to increase bacterial diversity and soil organic matter on marginal land

Jennifer L. Kane, Ronald G. Schartiger, Natalie Kruse Daniels, Zachary B. Freedman, Louis M. McDonald, Jeffrey G. Skousen, Ember M. Morrissey IN: Soil Biology and Biochemistry 186, 109178, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2023.109178

Gaps in the understanding of the mechanisms facilitating soil carbon accumulation under Miscanthus persist, particularly regarding the role of the soil microbiome in facilitating these processes, and how land use histories (e.g. past disturbances) and management strategies (e.g., fertilizer additions) affect these mechanisms. To address these knowledge gaps, the auhtors measured plant performance, soil properties, and microbial parameters over the first three years of Miscanthus establishment across a gradient of land disturbance intensity and different fertilization strategies (none, organic, conventional).