Tegeler et al. (2023): A novel contactor for reducing the cost of direct air capture of CO2
Ed Tegeler, Yanran Cui, Mansour Masoudi, Ali M. Bahmanpour, Tyler Colbert, Jacob Hensel, Vemuri Balakotaiah IN: Chemical Engineering Science, 281, 119107, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2023.119107
A significant portion of DAC cost is due to its CO2 adsorbent. Here, the authors present a novel monolithic DAC contactor backed by a validated model displaying enhanced mass transfer, markedly increasing the CO2 capture rate. The contactor employs helical channels, rather than commonplace straight channels, forming a highly convective Dean flow augmenting CO2 transport and release to/from the sorbent layer coated on the monolith channel walls.