yukun & Haiquan (2023): Evolutionary game analysis of forestry carbon sink trading model under blockchain technology
Song yukun, Wu Haiquan IN: Heliyon, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e22706
To promote the continuous development of forestry carbon sink trading in China, blockchain, a new technology with several advantages such as traceability, supervision, and tamper-proofness, has emerged, which creates a good market trading environment and has made a breakthrough in the trading mode. If forestry carbon sink trading is effectively supported, organic combinations and simultaneous synergistic development can be conducted, which will open new avenues for the carbon sink economy. In this study, a game model of the forest carbon sink trading mode under blockchain technology was constructed from the perspective of traders, and influential factors, such as the carbon sink available for sale by the supply side and the demand side’s perspective towards emission reduction, were considered.