Monat: Januar 2024

Saharudin et al. (2024): Biochar from agricultural wastes: Environmental sustainability, economic viability and the potential as a negative emissions technology in Malaysia

Djasmine Mastisya Saharudin, Harish Kumar Jeswani, Adisa Azapagic IN: Science of The Total Environment, 170266,

Biochar used for soil amendment is considered a viable negative emissions technology as it can be produced easily from a wide range of biomass feedstocks, while offering numerous potential agricultural benefits. This research is the first to present a comprehensive sustainability assessment of large-scale biochar production and application in Malaysia.


Licentiate thesis: Modeling the Potential for Carbon Removal in Agriculture: Integrating Farmer Perspectives

Andreas Rehn, Chalmers Universtiy of Technology

The overarching aim of this thesis is to provide insights into the dynamic processes governing SOC stocks and to identify viable paths for agricultural systems to contribute to climate change mitigation. By integrating current scientific knowledge of carbon sequestration in agriculture with feasible agricultural applications, this work proposes local realistic strategies for enhancing soil organic carbon and presents a quantitative assessment of their potential for CO2 removal.


Woods et al. (2024): Biomass Composting with Gaseous Carbon Dioxide Capture

Ethan D Woods , Vanessa Rondon Berrio , Yaojing Qiu , Perry Berlin , Nicolás Martín Clauser, William Joe Sagues IN: RSC Sustainability,

Composting with gaseous CO2 capture is an overlooked BiCRS technology with significant potential for atmospheric carbon removal. For the first time, the authors demonstrate the capture of high purity gaseous CO2 from biomass composting. 


Ignatusha et al. (2024): Membrane Separation Technology in Direct Air Capture

Pavlo Ignatusha, Haiqing Lin, Noe Kapuscinsky, Ludmila Scoles, Weiguo Ma, Bussaraporn Patarachao, Naiying Du IN: Membranes 14(2), 30,

Current DAC technologies mainly consider sorbent-based systems; however, membrane technology can be considered a promising DAC approach since it provides several advantages, e.g., lower energy and operational costs, less environmental footprint, and more potential for small-scale ubiquitous installations. In this article, the ongoing research and DAC application attempts via membrane separation have been reviewed. 


Mondal et al. (2024): Impact and potential of carbon sequestration and utilization: fundamentals and recent developments

Arnab Mondal, Soumitra K Gupta, Shaurya Yaduvanshi, Muhammad Khan, Samar Layek, Vamsi Krishna Kudapa, Surajit Mondal IN: International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization,

Technological carbon sequestration would benefit the manufacturing industry by minimizing carbon emissions and saving on carbon taxes. This review article would explore various methods to capture carbon efficiently by improving carbon storage technology, using captured carbon economically in industries, and making fuel from captured carbon. 


de Vrie et al. (2023): Solvation-Tuned Photoacid as a Stable Light-Driven pH Switch for CO2 Capture and Release

Anna de Vrie, Kateryna Goloviznina, Manuel Reiter, Mathieu Salanne, Maria R. Lukatskaya IN: Chemistry of Materials,

Photoacids are organic molecules that release protons under illumination, providing spatiotemporal control of the pH. Such light-driven pH switches offer the ability to cyclically alter the pH of the medium and are highly attractive for a wide variety of applications, including CO2 capture. Although photoacids such as protonated merocyanine can enable fully reversible pH cycling in water, they have a limited chemical stability against hydrolysis (<24 h). Moreover, these photoacids have low solubility, which limits the pH-switching ability in a buffered solution such as dissolved CO2. In this work, the authors introduce a simple pathway to dramatically increase stability and solubility of photoacids by tuning their solvation environment in binary solvent mixtures. They show that a preferential solvation of merocyanine by aprotic solvent molecules results in a 60% increase in pH modulation magnitude when compared to the behavior in pure water and can withstand stable cycling for >350 h.


Ngwu et al. (2024): Passive Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide with an Alkaline Amino Acid Salt in Water-Based Paints

Godwin Ngwu, Humbul Suleman, Faizan Ahmad, Danial Qadir, Zufishan Shamair, Qazi Nasir, Muhammad Nawaz IN: Energies, 17(2), 320,

The current study presents the first results of the passive capture of carbon dioxide from the air in aqueous sodium lysinate solutions at ambient conditions. The salt has shown good passive direct air capture (DAC) properties for carbon dioxide with spent solutions exhibiting more than 5% carbon dioxide by weight. Moreover, different quantities of sodium lysinate solutions were mixed with three commercial water-based paints, and their passive DAC performance was studied for 45 days.


PhD-Thesis: Promises and Pitfalls of Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage: Actors‘ Perspectives, Challenges, and Mitigation Deterrence in Sweden

Emily Rodriguez, Linköping University, DOI: 10.3384/9789180754873

The aim of this thesis is to examine challenges for the implementation of BECCS in Sweden to contribute to sustainability transitions, and to analyze the prospect for deploying BECCS through the lens of mitigation deterrence. This lens is a way to study risks of foregone emissions, overshoots, and rebound effects when relying on a future carbon removal method such as BECCS. This thesis studies how BECCS is socially constructed by key actors in Sweden by analyzing perspectives held by companies, civil servants, political parties, and other key actors, through interviews and focus groups. This study also analyzes how plans to include BECCS impact net-zero strategies in Stockholm, the first city to have a pilot and demonstration facility for BECCS in Europe.