Zhang et al. (2023): Estimating Soil Carbon Sequestration of Jatropha for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Pathway
Zongwei Zhang, Junqi Li, Zihan Wang, Haonan Liu, Keheng Wei IN: Water, Air & Soil Pollution 235, 47, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-023-06832-5
The sustainable aviation fuel raw material planting process will inevitably cause carbon emissions from induced land use change. However, limited by the regional specificity of energy plants, the ILUC emissions value of SAF is less considerable in the case of soil carbon sequestration during the raw material planting process. Therefore, this study used the CENTURY model to predict the carbon sequestration of soil in Jatropha plantations and compared it with the preparation of aviation fuel from soybean oil.