Ashes to ashes, carbon to soil: A cost-benefit analysis of abatement measures to increase soil carbon-sequestration capacity
Markus Zimmer, Arne Holzhausen, Francesco Iezzi, Haki Pamuk, Marcia Arredondo Rivera, Jurrian Nannes, Maria Naranjo Barrantes, Nico Polman, Willem-Jan van Zeist, Allianz, April 30, 2024
This study examines five soil improvement measures — three crop management practices (cover cropping, no tillage and use of green manure) and two broader land restoration techniques (agroforestry and sustainable forest management) — that can enhance soil quality, in six countries: Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and the UK. All these measures contribute to preventing soil erosion, enhancing carbon sequestration, and improving biodiversity.