Silva et al. (2024): Mechanisms for Microseismicity Occurrence Due to CO2 Injection at Decatur, Illinois: A Coupled Multiphase Flow and Geomechanics Perspective
Josimar A. Silva; Mansour Khosravi; Hongkyu Yoon; Michael Fehler; Scott Frailey; Ruben Juanes IN: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,
Here, the authors numerically investigate the mechanisms that resulted in induced seismicity occurrence associated with CO2 injection at the Illinois Basin–Decatur Project (IBDP). Therefore, they build a geologically consistent model that honors key stratigraphic horizons and 3D fault surfaces interpreted using surface seismic data and microseismicity locations. They populate the model with reservoir and geomechanical properties estimated using well‐log and core data. The authors then performed coupled multiphase flow and geomechanics modeling to investigate the impact of CO2 injection on fault stability using the Coulomb failure criteria. They calibrate the flow model using measured reservoir pressure during the CO2 injection phase.