Clarkson et al. (2024): A Review of Measurement for Quantification of Carbon Dioxide Removal by Enhanced Weathering in Soil
Matthew O. Clarkson, Christina Larkin, Philipp Swoboda, Tom Reershemius, Tim Jesper Suhrhoff, Cara N. Maesano, James Campbell IN: Frontiers in Climate, 6, doi: 10.3389/fclim.2024.1345224
Here, the authors provide a review of the current literature showing the state-of-play of different methods for monitoring EW. They focus on geochemical characterization of weathering processes at the weathering site itself, acknowledging that the final storage of carbon is largely in the oceans, with potential losses occurring during transfer. There are two main approaches for measuring EW, one focused on solid phase measurements, including exchangeable phases, and the other on the aqueous phase. Additionally, gas phase measurements have been employed to understand CO2 fluxes, but can be dominated by short-term organic carbon cycling