Science – Zhang et al. (2024): Synergistic CO2 Removal via Enhanced Olivine Weathering and Diatom Growth in the Ocean

Enquan Zhang, Yunxan Wang, Yiwen Wang, Dong Liu, Yu Cong, Jihula Liu, Kunxian Tang, Nianzhi Jiao, Qiang Zheng IN: Ocean-Land- Atmosphere research, DOI: 10.34133/olar.0047

In this study, the auhtors investigated the short-term synergistic CO2 removal effects of an olivine–diatom coculture system. Over a 6-day incubation period, the olivine dissolution was 92% to 144% higher in the olivine–diatom groups compared with the olivine-only groups.  The olivine-only groups achieved a CO2 removal efficiency of 5.15% to 5.49%, while the olivine–diatom groups achieved a CO2 removal efficiency of 8.84% to 14.44%.