Al Yafiee et al. (2024): Direct air capture (DAC) vs. Direct ocean capture (DOC)–A perspective on scale-up demonstrations and environmental relevance to sustain decarbonization

Omnya Al Yafiee, Fatima Mumta, Priyanka Kumari, Georgios N. Karanikolos, Alessandro Decarlis, Ludovic F. Dumée IN: Chemical Engineering Journal, 497,

This paper critically discusses the status, challenges, and scalability of direct air capture (DAC) and direct ocean capture (DOC) at pilot or industrial scale. Key challenges include capital and operational costs, energy demands, and integrating green energy sources to reduce environmental impact. The review emphasizes on techno-economical benchmarking analyses to evaluate feasibility for large-scale deployment and their effectiveness in mitigating CO2 emissions and acting as tools towards delocalized CO2 production.