Lim et al. (2024): Carbon capture and sequestration with in-situ CO2 and steam integrated 3D concrete printing

Sean Gip Lim, Yi Wei Daniel Tay, Suvash Chandra Paul, Junghyun Lee, Issam T. Amr, Bandar A. Fadhel, Aqil Jamal, Ahmad O. Al-Khowaiter, Ming Jen Tan IN: Carbon Capture Science & Technology,

In this paper, the authors investigate the possibilities of in-situ carbon capture and sequestration to eliminate spatial constraints from a chamber confined curing solution via CO2 and steam integrated 3D concrete printing. The presented technology involves a two-step extrusion-based system that sequesters captured CO2 directly into concrete prior deposition at the nozzle printhead, so as to achieve artificially accelerated carbonation reactions with enhancement of mechanical properties.