Kumar et al. (2024): The Role of Nonequilibrium Solvent Effects in Enhancing Direct CO2 Capture at the Air–Aqueous Amino Acid Interface

Nitesh Kumar, Vyacheslav S. Bryantsev, Santanu Roy IN: Journal of the American Chemical Society, https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.4c14612

Direct air capture (DAC) technologies are limited by the poor understanding of the dynamic role of interfaces in modulating the chemisorption of CO2 from air into solutions. While the reactivity of aqueous amine-based solvents in the bulk environment is strongly inhibited by nonequilibrium solvent effects, promoting DAC at interfaces posits a possibility to reduce the coupling with the solvent and significantly accelerate DAC. Building on an experimentally proven concept to bring an anionic glycine absorbent to the interface through ion-pairing interactions with a positively charged surfactant, the authors establish the fundamental time scales for key elementary steps involved in DAC with rate theory and enhanced-sampling ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. The authors elucidate the mechanism by which water influences the free energy barriers and dynamical crossing-recrossing of those barriers, affecting the reaction rates.