Oberlander et al. (2025): Assessing the impacts of simulated ocean alkalinity enhancement on viability and growth of nearshore species of phytoplankton
Jessica L. Oberlander, Mackenzie E. Burke, Cat A. London, Hugh L. MacIntyre IN: Biogeoschiences 22, 499-512, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-22-499-2025
One proposed NET is ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE), in which artificially raising the alkalinity favours formation of bicarbonate from CO2, leading to a decrease in the partial pressure of CO2 in the water. Subsequent invasion of atmospheric CO2 results in net sequestration of atmospheric carbon. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of simulated OAE, through the alteration of pH, on phytoplankton representative of the spring and fall blooms in nearshore, temperate waters.