Month: August 2012

Pope, F. D.; et al. (2012): Stratospheric aerosol particles and solar-radiation management

Pope, F. D.; Braesicke, P.; Grainger, R. G.; Kalberer, M.; Watson, I. M.; Davidson, P. J.; Cox, R. A. (2012): Stratospheric aerosol particles and solar-radiation management. In: Nature Climate change.

Sulfur-SRM modelling study. “We show that aerosols with other compositions, such as minerals, could be used to dramatically increase the amount of light scatter achieved on a per mass basis, thereby reducing the particle mass required for injection.”


Chadwick, Robin; et al. (2012): Asymmetries in tropical rainfall and circulation patterns in idealised CO2 removal experiments

Chadwick, Robin; Wu, Peili; Good, Peter; Andrews, Timothy (2012): Asymmetries in tropical rainfall and circulation patterns in idealised CO2 removal experiments. In: Clim Dyn. (online first)

Modelling study of changes in the hydrosphere after CO2-removal. “Two idealised general circulation model experiments are described, where CO2 concentrations are steadily increased, then decreased along the same path.”
