Huffington Post: Geoengineering: Ignore Economics and Governance at Your Peril
Respond to Naomi Klein and critical review of CE politics.
Respond to Naomi Klein and critical review of CE politics.
Video introduces the Climate Engineering Argument Map by G. Betz and S. Cacean.
Bickel, J. Eric; Agrawal, Shubham (2012): Reexamining the economics of aerosol geoengineering. In: Climatic Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-012-0619-x
“In this paper, we extend the work of Goes, Tuana, and Keller (Climatic Change 2011; GTK) by reexamining the economic benefit, of aerosol geoengineering.”
Opinion article by Naomi Klein.
The EPSRC updated findings of the Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering (SPICE).
David Keith speech at the EmTech conference. “Using technology to cool the planet may be the only way to deal with the greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere, argues scientist David Keith.”
About international dynamics of climate political options. “With efforts to halt climate change on life support, scientists are looking at some radical options to save our planet. But could the cure be worse than the disease?”
Timeline of legislations that govern CE.
Video-Interviews with David Keith, Dane Scott, and Matt Watson. “We fight wars on Earth all the time, so why shouldn’t we go on the offensive and turn to geoengineering to tackle climate change?”