Several blog posts on FiST Chat on CE and the Canadian iron fertilization experiment.
Ben’s Blog: Iron Fairy Dust: Wonders Of[nbsp]Geoengineering
Steve’s Blog: Geoengineering, Climate Change, Risks And[nbsp]Benefits
See also the video on youtube.
Several blog posts on FiST Chat on CE and the Canadian iron fertilization experiment.
Ben’s Blog: Iron Fairy Dust: Wonders Of[nbsp]Geoengineering
Steve’s Blog: Geoengineering, Climate Change, Risks And[nbsp]Benefits
See also the video on youtube.
“Carbon [&] Climate Law Review[nbsp]is welcoming abstracts for a special issue on[nbsp]The Law and Climate Geoengineering, scheduled for publication in March 2013, and for which I will serve as Editor.”
Ten steps for Obamas environmental programm. “It will piss off enviros, but Obama should launch a modest geoengineering research program, run by the best scientists we’ve got.”
“J. Eric Bickel, Ph.D., […] discussed his research into climate engineering during a Nov. 1 Energy Symposium lecture sponsored by the Texas Energy Forum.”
“An American businessman made waves last month when, without asking permission, he dumped a bunch of iron sulfate into the Pacific Ocean to launch a carbon-sequestering geoengineering experiment. With these sorts of Earth-hacking ideas being floated, what’s to stop a man with the means from doing it himself?”
Critical opinion on CE in general.
“Arafa Radwan, a lecturer at the Ukrainian National Technical University talks to the Climate Change Studio about using geoengineering methods to control the planet’s energy balance. He suggests the use of screens that could be placed above cities, like Doha, which would allow people to control the incoming sun radiation.”
“Some scientists believe schemes like sending particles into the air to block the sun’s light could stop climate change.”
“WHEN the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change came into force in 1994, climate change’s impacts seemed distant. Not any more. With daily reports of changes to glaciers, ice sheets, oceans and ecological systems, climate change seems upon us. “