Focus online: Using High-Tech against Climate Change (German)
German newspaper about the CE risks.
German newspaper about the CE risks.
“In this seminar, we present results from 12 CMIP5 models that contributed to the Geoengineering model intercomparison project (GeoMIP).”
Report of the presentation of the Ecologic Institute’s presentation of “Regulatory and Governance Options for Geoengineering in the Federal Ministry for the Environment”. The full study will be available in English soon.
“Dumping of iron-rich soil off Haida Gwaii still being investigated by Environment Canada”
Victor, David G.; Morgan, M. Granger; Apt, Jay; Steinbruner, John; Ricke, Katharine L. (2013): The Truth About Geoengineering. Science Fiction and Science Fact. In: Foreign Affairs 92 (2).
“To understand how such schemes would work in practice — and what their consequences would be — it is time to start small-scale field tests.“
Matzner, Nils; Böttcher, Miranda (2013): Bridging the gaps – Summer Schools on Climate Engineering. In: easst review 32 (1).
A report on the three CE summer school including a note on the discoursive development.
Liao, S. Matthew; Sandberg, Anders; Roache, Rebecca (2012): Human Engineering and Climate Change. In: Ethics, Policy [&] Environment 15 (2), pp. 206–221.
“In this paper, we consider a new kind of solution to climate change, what we call human engineering, which involves biomedical modifications of humans so that they can mitigate and/or adapt to climate change.”
Brent, Kerryn Anne; McGee, Jeffrey Scott (2012): The regulation of geoengineering: A gathering storm for international climate change policy? In: Air Quality and Climate Change 46 (4), pp. 22–27.
” We argue that there are two reasons for the rise of interest in geoengineering.” 1. failing international climate negotiation, 2. advancement in CE technologies.
“The core case against the science is a radical uncertainty about its consequences but it would likewise be irresponsible to turn our backs on it”
“Can the known risks of climate change ever outweigh the unknown risks of geo-engineering? Scientists are starting to say, well, maybe.” CE compared to Lord of the Rings.