Month: March 2013

Victor, David G.; et al. (2013): The Truth About Geoengineering. Science Fiction and Science Fact

Victor, David G.; Morgan, M. Granger; Apt, Jay; Steinbruner, John; Ricke, Katharine L. (2013): The Truth About Geoengineering. Science Fiction and Science Fact. In: Foreign Affairs 92 (2).

To understand how such schemes would work in practice — and what their consequences would be — it is time to start small-scale field tests.


Liao, S. Matthew; et al. (2012): Human Engineering and Climate Change

Liao, S. Matthew; Sandberg, Anders; Roache, Rebecca (2012): Human Engineering and Climate Change. In: Ethics, Policy [&] Environment 15 (2), pp. 206–221.

“In this paper, we consider a new kind of solution to climate change, what we call human engineering, which involves biomedical modifications of humans so that they can mitigate and/or adapt to climate change.”


Brent, Kerryn Anne; McGee, Jeffrey Scott (2012): The regulation of geoengineering: A gathering storm for international climate change policy?

Brent, Kerryn Anne; McGee, Jeffrey Scott (2012): The regulation of geoengineering: A gathering storm for international climate change policy? In: Air Quality and Climate Change 46 (4), pp. 22–27.

” We argue that there are two reasons for the rise of interest in geoengineering.” 1. failing international climate negotiation, 2. advancement in CE technologies.
