Huffington Post: Geoengineering: Silver Bullet or Cover Up for Climate Change?
David Suzuki concluding: “Because some geoengineering is likely unavoidable, that’s a good idea. “
David Suzuki concluding: “Because some geoengineering is likely unavoidable, that’s a good idea. “
Ayalew, Mulugeta Mengist; Gasc, Florent (2013): Managing Climate Risks in Africa. The Role of Geoengineering (Geoengineering Our Climate? Working Paper and Opinion Article Series).
“Geoengineering not only claims to address the principal concern of Africa, temperature increase, but it also appears that it might reinstate Africa’s fate largely into her own hands.”
“This is the pre-event announcement for an online lecture by Grant Wilson, GCRI’s Deputy Director. The lecture is based on a draft paper of the same title. To be held online via Skype. RSVP required by email to Seth Baum (seth [at] Space is limited.”
Interview with Al Gore on climate change with one question on CE.
German article in economics magazine.
Reprot of the “First Open Discussion Workshop about Climate Engineering: Perspectives of Pacific Small Island States”.
World Meterological Organization (2013): Report from Expert Team on Weather Modification Research for 2012/2013. Geneva 18.-19.07.2013
WMO report on weather modification including some discussion of GE.
MIT project website with a strategy for reducing emissions and using certain methods of CDR.
German children’s TV programm on CE.
“MIT event brings together geoengineering experts to debate the use of solar radiation management for preventing climate change.”